Top Trends In Digital Marketing for 2024

    Top Trends In Digital Marketing for 2024

    Digital marketing today is complex and it’s inevitable it will get more complex in the future as new technologies and platforms emerge.

    Take the huge adoption and interest in Open AI ChatGPT, as an example.

    Marketers also have to contend with the complexity of the many channels we need to track in our analytics such as organic and paid search, social media, display, and email marketing.

    So, we’ve seen that since digital marketing is complex and vital to future success, it requires its plan covering aims, strategy, and how to deliver them using investment in communications, people, and marketing technology.

    All this activity and investment are aimed at improving digital marketing capabilities so in the research.

    we asked where people were now with using digital marketing and where they would be in the future.

    Capabilities for the seven pillars of marketing success can be reviewed for different businesses between one to five using the digital maturity benchmark evaluation featured in the Executive Summary of this report.

    Data and insight forecasting and evaluationData and Insight, Forecasting and evaluation

    The best practice for managing digital marketing is to define which targets are set for digital contribution to a business and how success is tracked, for example, through digital marketing dashboards.

    Improving the quality of customer insight and the MarTech required to collect and analyze this is also important.

    We also need to monitor changes to tracking such as the cookie changes introduced by Google explained at the start of the article.

    Smart Insights believes in an insight-based, data-driven approach to improving digital maturity by harnessing the insights that are available through digital analytics and dedicated research into the digital experience.

    Our RACE Growth System involves setting targets for leads, sales, and profitability based on detailed forecasts that are based on channel conversion models.

    Recommended Data and Insight actionImprove your use of structured testing and review of analytics.

    Marketing trends with SEO ranking

    1 most of the company create podcasts over blogs1. Most of the company create podcasts over blogs

    Ideally, you should have both, but podcasting is a blue ocean.

    There are 1 billion blogs. And there are 7.8 billion people in the world. That’s 1 blog for every 7.8 people. On the flip side, there are 4.2 million podcasts. That’s 1 podcast for every 1857 people.

    Although Facebook, YouTube, and Instagram are the more popular social networks, they don’t provide the best return on ad spend.

    Here are the social networks that provided the best return on ad spend in the last 30 days.

    • X — 6.8
    • Pinterest — 5.2
    • Snap — 4.9
    • TikTok — 4.1
    • YouTube — 3.9
    • Instagram — 3.3
    • Facebook — 3.2
    • LinkedIn — 2.6
    Marketing trends goes ups

    3 marketing moats will become non existent other than brands3. Marketing moats will become non-existent, other than brands.

    What makes Jordan shoes special isn’t the quality of the shoes.

    There are a lot of other high-quality shoes.

    It’s the brand!

    What made Kylie Cosmetics popular was the brand… not the quality of the product.

    Technology has made it easier to copy the competition. But the one thing that can separate you is your brand.

    Check out the percentage of SEO traffic that is brand-related based on revenue size.

    4 youll change the way you write content4. You’ll change the way you write content

    There are two things in this trend. First off, it used to be where 2300-word articles were the ones ranking at the top of Google. Then it became 1447-word articles.

    The average user spends 95 minutes a day consuming short-form content. And the second thing is that human-written content will outperform AI-written content.

    94.12% of the time, human-written content outranked AI-generated content.

    It’s not a bad thing, it’s just that the AI isn’t at a level where it needs to be for that to work and I doubt it will happen in the next few years.

    5 marketing will no longer focus on 1 region5. Marketing will no longer focus on 1 region

    Big companies are already doing this.

    Mid-size companies and startups will start.

    Instead of just focusing on the US or the UK, you’ll have no choice but to expand globally. It’s where the money is.

    We aren’t the only ones experiencing this… it’s why most Fortune 1000 companies have a global effort.

    If you want to do well internationally, here’s a global SEO strategy for you.


    There are going to be a lot of changes in 2024 especially because of AI.

    But if you want to focus on the ones that will produce the big results, focus on the ones above. It should move the needle for you and drive more revenue.

    For more SEO and Helpful themes connect with me.

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